showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Baseball Stars  SNK1989Player, manager, owner... You can do it all in Baseball Stars! Make your own team and leagues; hire, fire, and trade players; develop your players from inexperienced rookies into veteran pitchers and hitters. Play against a friend or the computer - you'll never have to worry about being rained out again!***1 player or 2 players simultaneous.
Developed by SNK
Baseball Star - Mezase Sankanou!!/ベースボールスター めざせ三冠王 published by 1989-05-19 by SNK Corporation in Japan
NES-B9-USA Baseball Stars published 1989-07 by SNK Corporation of America in the USA
Baseball Stars II  Romstar1992 labelimageminimize